Reconnecting and Engaging for the Future
This hui provides an important opportunity to share your feedback and ensure your voices are heard. Share this pānui with your whanau and encourage their participation in this important discussion. Their input will help shape the future direction of NgāiTakoto.
What you need to know
what is the purpose of the hui?
- Gather your thoughts and ideas on the Draft Strategic Plan for the Rünanga. Does it set out the priorities for the future; and
- Introduce and highlight that the Trust Deed review will take place. While a formal process will follow, this session that Whaia Legal will facilitate, is to inform you of the upcoming review and to let you know that we’ll be seeking your input at the appropriate time.
How can you participate?
This important gathering will be a blend of in-person and online participation, allowing whänau from near and far to engage in discussions that will help shape the future of NgaiTakoto.
- If you can’t make it in person, the hui will be recorded for later viewing.
- If you live outside the Te Hiku rohe, please join online
- If you are feeling mãuiui – please join online
Why is Te Rangianiwaniwa the venue for the Hui-a-Iwi?:
Te Rangianiwaniwa offers the necessary audio-visual capabilities to engage with whanau online from all parts of the world. An AV technician will be on hand to support.
Why is the Hui-a-Iwi in the afternoon?:
Whanau living in Te Hiku could do the sports and markets in the morning.
For the whanau that live overseas, the afternoon session would not interrupt early morning wake up.