Te iwi o Ngāi Takoto has four marae which are Te Paa a Parore, Mahimaru, Wharemaru and Waimanoni.
The identity of Ngāi Takoto is in the cohesive social relationships that are derived from whakapapa (kin based) and this physical-social cohesion is centred around our marae and whānau communities. Marae and their activities provide for social interaction on a daily basis and it’s within this environment the socialisation of tikanga, kawa, and lore are implemented, fostered and promoted.
The marae environment and the interaction that it enables is the most unique feature of our culture, people and identity. Ngāi Takoto beneficiaries affiliate to one of four marae, and through that our marae are key cornerstones of the development of this PSGE structure and the future vision of Ngāi Takoto. Through strengthened marae affiliations, the alignment of beneficiary aspirations, strong marae management and developing vision and governance within each marae, the tribes future will be strong.
This plan also needs to recognise the changing structure of our membership with many relocating to urban environments or Australia, this plan needs to be realistic to this, and how we keep membership and culture strong in these scenarios.