The 2013-2016 Business Plan is the first of “our own steps” towards completing that journey which we initiated as the NgāiTakoto 20/20 Vision Plan in 2000 (Te Ata Hapara) and one that we have consistently planned and received endorsement for.
Those tasked with that new responsibility (Te Runanga O NgāiTakoto) have produced this business plan and its associated budget for the purpose of enduring that a we approach the final significant work tasks ahead, this is done in a planned and structured way and to which the NgāiTakoto tribal membership has confidence in the approach and direction that the Board of Te Runanga O NgāiTakoto is intending to take.
The Board in conjunction with our Australian whānau representatives will be undertaking this work alongside the requirement to engage wiht professional supports and advice, as well as the input of our beneficiaries.
The sole responsibility of change is not entirely that of the Board only, but to all of us people as a whole within NgāiTakoto, this is about the present generation building and preparing for the future generations, this requires us to make change from the status quo position that has not served our NgāiTakoto people well, into a tribal organisation that will.
Changes will provide challenges, debate, and a required significant shift by those involved, in order to build capacity and capability at all levels within the structure, and in order to strengthen the tribe capability to engage and respond appropriately, effectively and efficiently in an ever evolving world.
We must forever be reminded also of our obligations to the required ongoing nurturing, caring and sharing responsibilities that ensures our survival as whānau, as marae, as the Iwi of NgāiTakoto. In this regard we seek your patience and the support required to complete the work ahead.
He iti marangai, tu ana te pahukahuka, he iti pioke no Rangaunu, he au tona…
Read the full version of Te Ara Hapara here