Land claims
NGĀITAKOTO HISTORICAL ACCOUNT 1. NgāiTakoto were among the first iwi to encounter European settlers in any numbers. When an increasing number of Europeans began to visit New Zealand in the …
NGĀITAKOTO HISTORICAL ACCOUNT 1. NgāiTakoto were among the first iwi to encounter European settlers in any numbers. When an increasing number of Europeans began to visit New Zealand in the …
[column-group] [column size=two-third] Ko matou tenei ko NgāiTakoto E powhiri nei, tahi te mihi Haere mai ra Ko Tuwhakatere, te Tupuna * Waimanoni te Marae, Haere mai, Haere mai ra …
[column-group] [column size=two-third] NgaiTakoto Pouwhenua This Pou tells the story of NgaiTakoto through their principal Tupuna, Tuwhakatere and his son, Hoka, the smaller figure below. Tuwhakatere’s two wives are beside …