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With the treaty settlement outcomes comes a necessity to engage with other critical groups/organisations who play a role within Te Hiku and the wider operational  environment. We need to continue our journey and assist in shaping these foundations and relationships with key stakeholders who we not only engage with, but who can ultimately assist (or hinder) us in achieving our aspirations and the outcomes that we seek for our people.

Work Task 8 Objective

Develop and strengthen the structure and working relationships with collective Iwi organsiations, co-governance arrangements and within the wider political,regulatory and social-economic environment.


Critical to the success of this plan, and indeed NgaiTakoto moving forward, is our ability to develop an organistion that can influence the political, economic, industrial and social environments we operate in for the best the interest of our members.

A relationship strategy is nothing new and inherent in our 20/20 Vision which talks clearly of:

  • Establishing influence (for NgaiTakoto) through partnership in industry, economic enterprises and social environments.
  • Advancing our NgaiTakoto Organisation within specific industries and within sectors of Government and local government services.
  • Establishing NgaiTakoto credibility in partnership with our local communities and other organisational bodies
  • Being an advocate of NgaiTakoto interests in the quality and delivery of services

We need to recognise and plan for how the regulartory environment impacts on our business and assets.  Resource management and consents will become a greater component of our role now that we are managing assets and developing business opportunities.


This includes developing and maintaining relationships with: Far North District Council, Northland Regional Council, Office of Treaty Settlements, Crown Forestry Rental Trust, Forum Working Parties, Te Aupouri, Te Rarawa, Ngati Kahu, Ngati Kuri, Waimanoni Marae (x5) Department of Conservation, Ministry of Primary Industries, Crown, Bank of New Zealand, Chartered Accounts, LandCorp, and many other organisations and individuals.

Cooperation can address capability needs and we can work together through Te Hiku Forum and Te Hiku Social Accord to influence our operating environments.

Te Hui Topu o Te Hiku o Te Ika  – This Forum has been established to deal with the collective interests of Te Rarawa, Te Aupouri, NgaiTakoto, Ngâti Kurî, and Ngâti Kahu in terms of Treaty Claims. The Forum focusses on developing solutions for common interests in relation to Te Aupouri Crown Forest lands, rentals and compensation; Te Oneroa-a-Tohe; and other interests as agreed.  In January 2010, the Agreement in Principle was signed by the NgaiTakoto, the 4 remaining Iwi, and the Crown.

  • Te Hiku Social Accord
  • Make It Happen Te Hiku Governance Group
  • Taitokerau Iwi Leaders Forum

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