Vision and Purpose

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“If we live as we ought, we shall knowthings as they are, and if we see things asthey are, we shall live as we ought”

“He iti Pioke no Rangaunu he Au tona”

This Vision is not new to the people of NgaiTakoto; and it is built on our affinity with the Pioke and all that it stands for. The Vision is aspiring and a challenge to the iwi to grow and develop each as individuals but knowing that our strength and success comes from working together. Together we can swim against the current or with the waves to create our own future.

Underlying the statement are a number of route concepts that we believe are encapsulated in this vision and will help it come to life for the future success of NgaiTakoto. The foundational philosophy (from Reverend Maori Marsden) is the final challenge in our vision to walk the talk, and live who we are.


To realise our tribes aspirations our PSGE will have both a commercial and charitable arm, as detailed in Part 2.0, this structure should allow for some ‘heart and head’ in our decision making and influence over our future plans. It is important we get the balance right and will be working with our members and external advice to keep our vision in our grasp.

“Our people have a legitimate right to an environment that is adequate for their healthy living and wellbeing, the objective for any Authority that has anything to do with our environments, and its resources, is to ensure that the management of such, meets the needs of our NgaiTakoto people today, without compromising the heritage of our future NgaiTakoto generations as to their needs tomorrow…”

“Te Runanga o NgaiTakoto is an organisation of credibility that strives and drives, success and opportunity for the wellbeing of its people”

Our Values:

Te Runanga O NgaiTakoto Iwi Values as outlined in our 20/20 Vision are detailed below:

Value Description
Independence An independent, political, economic and industrial organisation of members in which the organsiation’s operations consistently reflects our values and strategies
Democratic leadership Democratic leadership processes, systems and forums that are; Participative, Inclusive, Transparent, Disciplined and Focused to achieving our strategy
Credibility Being credible because we willl consistently be required to deliver the outcomes of our values and strategies to our people in a well organised, efficient and coherent manner.
Integrity Having organizational integrity because we are to be trustworthy and have an open and honest relationship with our people, within our own organisation and with others, at all levels
Communication Having a communication that demonstrates Creativity, Clarity, Diversity and Motivates participation from all members and others to achieving our strategies
Change Therefore we seek to create an environment that encourages cooperation and effects change, An environment which also maximises individual personal development (investment) and in turn contributes to the development of the tribe as a whole.

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